Meet Google Play's closed testing requirements with Beta Miracle. Get your Android app tested by 20 real testers for 14 days — completely free.
Start Free Testing NowGet 20 dedicated testers for 14 days to meet Google Play's closed testing requirements. Unlock production features for your Android app effortlessly with our community-driven solution.
We are Android developers united to create the best community for app testing. Together, we solve challenges and help indie developers meet Google's requirements effortlessly.
As a community of Android developers, we offer this service completely free. Our mission is to support indie developers by providing quality testing without any hidden costs or commitments.
Sign up and share your Android app details for testing.
We assign 20 experienced testers who will use your app for 14 days.
Get detailed feedback to improve your app and prepare it for production.
Sign up now to test your Android app with experienced testers and meet Google Play's closed testing requirements.
Join the community now